My biggest covid disappointment

Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
Bryan Wolfmueller, pastor of St Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX, author of "A Martyr's Faith for a Faithless World", "Has American Christianity Failed?", co-host of Table Talk Radio, teacher of Grappling with the Text, and theological adventure traveler.


  1. You have unique gifts PsBWm that are unlikely to be replicated. Thank you for these insights. I was thinking about your fellow stalwarts: sarcasm doesn’t do anything for me nor does picking over other people’s ridiculous heresies nor does a scholastic approach to theology so that leaves two of you still standing imho. On another vein I was thinking about how much I would like a series on the theological errors that make other churches tick. From my SDA background I know it’s easy to look with contempt on their ‘prophet’, their clinging to Jewish practices like food laws and the Sabbath etc. but WHY do people believe that? Using Luther’s words that heresy always strikes at Christ, how do each of these belief systems diminish or do away with Christ’s finished work? Anyway, these are just musings. Thank you for sharing so freely.

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