Martin Luther’s works quoted in the Lutheran Confessions

In 1577, 31 years after Luther’s death, the theologians committed to the Augsburg Confession gathered in conversation to address false and dangerous teaching that was coming into the church. The resulting document was the Formula of Concord (read here). That text was added to nine others, and published in 1580 and The Christian Book of Concord. This collection of texts forms the official teaching of the Lutheran Church.

The works of Martin Luther a frequently referenced and considered in this book. Below is a list of the works of Luther cited, quoted, or approved in the Book of Concord.

If you are looking for the works of Luther considered most important to the second generation of Lutheran theologians, this will help.

If the text is available online, I’m adding links. (So let me know if you find something missing.)

Luther’s Small Catechism
Luther’s Large Catechism
Smalcald Articles
Against the Antinomians (Lawstormers) (1539)Solid Declaration V.17(LW 47:99-118)Free PDF from Lutheran Press
Against the Heavenly Prophets (1525)Solid Declaration VII.91(LW 40:73-222)
Bondage of the Will (1525)Solid Declaration II.44(LW 33)CCEL
Brief (Last) Confession Concerning the Holy Sacrament (1544)Solid Declaration VII.33, VII.91, (VIII.3)(LW 38:279-319)
Exposition on Psalm 90 [91]Solid Declaration II.20
Exposition on Psalm 117 (1530)Solid Declaration III.6(LW 14:3-39 [37])
(Large/Great) Confession Concerning Christ’s Supper (1528)Epitome VII.10; Solid Declaration II. 43, VII.28-32, VII.78, VII.91, (VIII.3), VIII.21, VIII.38-40, VIII.81, VIII.86(LW 37:151-372)
Lectures/Commentary on Genesis (esp. ch. 22)Solid Declaration IV.28(LW 1-8, esp. 4:91-185)
Lectures/Commentary on Genesis (esp. ch. 26)Solid Declaration II.44(LW 1-8, esp. 5:3-97)
Lectures/Commentary on Galatians (1535)Solid Declaration III.29, III.67, (IV.25)(LW 26-27 [26:137])“Middleton Translation”
On the Councils and the Church (1539)Epitome VIII.18; Solid Declaration III.21, VIII.44(LW 41:3-177 [95-106])Everyone’s Luther
On the Vows of the Monks (1521)Apology XXVII.10(LW 44:243-400)
Preface to the Epistle to the Romans (1546)Solid Declaration XI.33(LW 35:365-379 [378])CCEL
Preface to Opera Latina (Latin Works)Solid Declaration R&N.9(cf. WA 54:179-187)
The Private Mass and the Consecration of Priests (1533)Solid Declaration VII.77(LW 38:139-214 [199])
Sermon, Church Postil, Epistle for 19th Sunday after TrinitySolid Declaration VI.9(WA 45:161-164)
Sermon, Descent into Hell (1533)Epitome IX.3(WA 37:62-67)
That These Words Still Stand Firm (1527)Solid Declaration VII.91, (VIII.3), VIII.86(LW 37:3-150)
Treatise on the Last Words of DavidSolid Declaration VIII.85(LW 15:265-352 [293-294])
“doctrinal and polemical writings”Solid Declaration R&N.9, VII.41
“other writings”Solid Declaration VII.91

*Bold indicates that the entire work is commended to us.

** LW refers to the American Edition of Luther’s Works.

Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
Bryan Wolfmueller, pastor of St Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX, author of "A Martyr's Faith for a Faithless World", "Has American Christianity Failed?", co-host of Table Talk Radio, teacher of Grappling with the Text, and theological adventure traveler.


  1. Hello Pastor, I would love to take advantage of the references you site above. I just cant figure out how. If “LW” means Luthers Works, does that mean its separate from the Book of Concord? Also, do the citations regarding the Book of Concord work in the Concordia, The Lutheran Confessions, a readers edition of the Book of Concord? Am I able to find all the above references in the Book of Concord? Thank you,

  2. Cindy,

    LW refers to the American Edition of Luther’s Works, published by Augsburg and Concordia Publishing Houses.

    “Concordia” and “The Book of Concord” are the same book, just different names. You should be able to find all the references in the readers edition of the Book of Concord.


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