Issues, Etc. “Making the Case” Conference

Featuring: Dr. Robert George of Princeton University Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist Mark Hemingway of RealClearInvestigations Dr. Larry Rast of Concordia Theological Seminary Rev. Will Weedon of The Word of the Lord Endures Forever Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller

Luther’s Letters of Spiritual Counsel with Pr Pless

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas 3501 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States

St. Paul Austin is pleased to host a seminary continuing education class this August. Pr. John Pless will be teaching on Martin Luther's Letters of Spiritual Counsel. This course will examine selected letters Luther wrote to provide pastoral care to those suffering from illness, grief, doubt, depression, anxiety, marital discord, persecution, and the crosses that...

Texas Confessional Lutherans Free Conference: Has American Christianity Failed?

You are invited to attend the Texas Confessional Lutherans annual FREE CONFERENCE Friday, September 10th and Saturday, September 11th at Grace Lutheran Church, located at 1212 Jefferson Street in Brenham, Texas. Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Austin, Texas will be the speaker. He will speak on the theme of  "Has American Christianity Failed?” A...


The conference is free of charge, St. Paul will provide some refreshments and lunch.  Please bring your favorite snack to share, if possible. FRIDAY NIGHT SOCIAL, October 1, 2021: (These activities are meant for those who travel long-distance or live in the Austin area. These activities are optional, the conference begins Saturday, October 2.  Bring...

Digital Catecombs

Our Savior Lutheran Church in Pagosa Springs, CO CO, United States

The second annual Digital Catacombs conference will be June 15-17 at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Pagosa Springs, CO. This conference will be for anyone interested in how Christian families and congregations can prepare to withstand the assaults of the world and the devil who are both obsessed with silencing the saving truth. Guest speakers...


Catechism Retreat (at Lutheran Valley Retreat)

Catechism Retreat Each summer a band of pastors and students of the catechism gather at Lutheran Valley Retreat for the annual Catechism Retreat. The retreat includes daily study of God’s Word, Matins and Campfire Vespers, outdoor adventure, and play, lots of play (including the world’s greatest contest of strength, wit, and skill: Catechism Commando). 2022...

Issues, Etc. Conference

Featuring: William Barr Former U. S. Attorney General Dr. Albert Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Dr. Päivi Räsänen Finnish Parliamentarian Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller Author of Has American Christianity Failed? Rev. Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith Dr. Joel Biermann of Concordia Seminary   CLICK HERE to Register Cancellations received on or before May 30 will be...

Christian Apologetics

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas 3501 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States

Scripture enjoins us to always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks us to give a reason for the hope we have in Christ Jesus. The task of apologetics focuses on understanding and articulating the evidence for the faith and the ways Christians might offer reasoned responses to skeptics and critics. This...

The Prodigal Son: Three Slaveries, Three Freedoms

St John Lutheran Church, Fraser, MI 16339 14 Mile Rd, Fraser, MI, United States

A one-day presentation on St. John Fraser presents a conference the freedom of the Gospel by Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller. Saturday, September 17, 2022 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Check-in and continental breakfast beginning at 8 a.m. Lunch provided $15 per person Purchase tickets at: St John Fraser 16339 14 Mile Rd, Fraser, MI 48026...


The Theology of Pronouns (A Young Adult Conference)

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas 3501 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States

The THEOLOGY of PRONOUNS: A Scriptural Response to Transgenderism Saturday, October 22, 2022 3rd Annual St. Paul Young Adult Conference --- for college students and young adults ages 18 - 35. Teaching, preaching, singing, worship, games, food. Social events for Friday and Saturday nights. Ask about housing options for Friday and Saturday night. Conference is...


Austin Creation Society Mini-Retreat (with Dr Joel Heck and Pr Bryan Wolfmueller)

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas 3501 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States

We are God's creatures, created by Him. This fundamental Christian confession is under attack by our culture. We want to talk about it. Join me (Pastor Wolfmueller) and Dr. Joel Heck for a mini-conference on the topic of Creation. Saturday, November 5, 2022 (9:00 am - 2:00 pm) at St Paul Lutheran Church, Austin, TX....


Youth for Life Rally (Washington DC)

I'll be speaking at the Youth for Life rally in Washington D. C., on January 19-21. Find all the information here:

Life Magnified 2023

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas 3501 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States We will gather on Saturday, January 28th at St Paul Lutheran church. Everyone is invited and welcome, but we especially invite our fellow Lutherans all over Texas to join us for this event. Saturday, January 28 8:00am-9:00am Coffee/Social 9:00am-10:00am Matins Service of Prayer and Repentance (Vicar Davis and Pr Peter Kolb, Life Coordinator for...


Keep It Clean: Holy Christians Living in a Filthy World

Bethany Lutheran Church, Naperville Illinois 1550 Modaff Rd, Naperville, IL, United States

Bethany Lutheran Church in Naperville Illinois hosts regular theological conferences for their congregation and neighbors. They asked if I'd come and present this year, and I hope you'll be able to join us. Click here for more information and to register. The four topics are (this is a draft): 1/ A Calibrated and Clean Conscience...

2023 Texas District Theological Convocation

Come be inspired by the joy of "Theological Immigrants" who have discovered the comfort and joy of our Lutheran theology. I'll be discussing "The Unique Treasure of Our Lutheran Theology." "The Unique Treasure of the Gospel" In the Texas District, we have been blessed with many “Theological Immigrants” into the LCMS. They are now our...

The Christianity & Culture Conference: Competing Stories: God and the World (Spencer, IA, July 7-8)

Christ the King Lutheran (Spencer, IA) 500 4th Ave SW, Spencer, IA, United States

Competing Stories: God and the World An exploration of competing worldviews. Session 1: How It All Started Session 2: Who Are You? Session 3: How Things Went Wrong Session 4: What’s the Fix? Session 5: How It Ends Session 6: Living in the Middle of a Cosmological Rap-Battle More details here: Register here:

O Lord, Open My Lips: Praying the Psalms with Christ and His Church

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas 3501 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States

Taking up the ancient prayer book, this class will focus on the theology of the Psalms and how we, as pilgrims along the way, join Christ in His prayer to our heavenly Father. We will consider how the Psalms have been read, should be read, and why it matters.Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Boyle is our teacher...

Luther’s Theology of Martyrdom

For Pastors: Friday, Aug 11th Pre-Conference Luther’s Theology of Martyrdom Presenter:  Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller Program:  How does Luther’s reflection on the martyrs inform our pastoral care? Friday, August 11, 2023 1:00       Prayer at Noonday 1:15       Welcome and introductions 1:30       Part 1 2:30       Break 2:45       Part 2 3:45       Break 4:00       Part 3 5:00       Q & A 5:15       Prayer for Travelers...

Free to Die (a Doxology Seminar)

Trinity Lutheran Davenport 1122 W. Central Park Ave, Davenport, IA, United States

Program:  Saturday, August 12, 2023 8:15 am – 8:45 am    Matins 9:00 am – 9:45 am    They Did Not Love their Lives unto Death, Rev. Wolfmueller What does the fear of death have to do with Spiritual warfare? How should the Christian think about suffering and death? We’ll look at the Bible passages that strengthened the martyrs as they...