Elihu’s Seven Theses of Divine Justice

These were written by Pr Brian (the) Flamme, who talked about it with me on Cross Defense today:

1. God is not the cause of evil. Job 34:10

2. God deals, not capriciously, but justly with men and all creation. Job 34:11

3. If God punished according to justice, all life would end. Job 34:14-15

[Implied conclusion: That all flesh has not been destroyed is a testament to God’s mercy. Rom. 9:16]

4. God knows all of men’s actions and pleas for mercy. Job 34:21-28

5. When God does not answer men’s cries, it is because of men’s pride. Job 35:12

[Implied conclusion: God will not deal with men according to men’s terms, but only on his own.]

6. God deals in mercy with men by his Word. Job 36:10-12

7. God’s mercy comes through suffering in that it opens men’s ears to hear his Word. Job 36:15

Concluding premise: Engaging in theodicy ends in scoffing God and his ways. Job 36:18

Concluding premise: Engaging in theodicy is desiring the meaninglessness of a life apart from God. Job 36:20-21

Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
Bryan Wolfmueller, pastor of St Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX, author of "A Martyr's Faith for a Faithless World", "Has American Christianity Failed?", co-host of Table Talk Radio, teacher of Grappling with the Text, and theological adventure traveler.