Before I left the seminary I made a solemn oath to my field work supervisor that I

would sing to the people I visited in the hospital, on shut-in calls, etc. And I do. This means, though, that many times I’m carrying a Bible and Hymnal with me to the hospital, etc.
To simplify this, a few years ago I put together a mini-hymnal. 50 pages or so of Psalms, hymns, Bible Passages, etc. that could be used for hospital visits and left with the people for their reading and prayers. This is still a helpful little tool, and if you’d like to print one out, you can find it here:
But lately I’ve found myself, more often than not, just carrying the Bible with me on hospital visits, which means I’m singing hymns from memory, or chanting a Psalm or two. To fix this I put together an even smaller 8-page micro hymnal. It prints off on the front and back of a single page, and with a little cutting, a staple and some tape I’ve got a handful of hymns and a reference of Psalms for various occasions.
Here it is: Micro-Hymnal PDF.
If you’d like to download it in Microsoft Publisher and change the hymns, here’s the link: Micro-Hymnal Publisher.
Nice! Just one question, how long did it take you to clean your desk off so you could take that picture? Thanks for the resource!