Show #S2E18: – Wokeness is a Christian Heresy


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Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
Bryan Wolfmueller, pastor of St Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX, author of "A Martyr's Faith for a Faithless World", "Has American Christianity Failed?", co-host of Table Talk Radio, teacher of Grappling with the Text, and theological adventure traveler.


  1. I have been watching you on u-tube for at least 2 years using your programs as morning and evening devotions.

    As a WELS member I was “on the alert” for how you might deviate from our doctrinal stance, however I long since gave up on that quest. I simply can’t find where we might differ theologically!

    That said I am simply in awe of your grasp of scripture and your ability to communicate it.

    I was a Broadway musical star for 22 years until neurological illness ended my acting career at age 44. I then taught “theatre arts” at Cal State L A until retirement in 1991. (Verify on Google or Wikipedia).

    At 84 I am now widowed and in a Virginia retirement community near D.C. close to one of my sons.

    Your recent discussions with Dr. Schulz on science and the scientific method are incredibly informative and important. I think that Christians need to be made more aware of this encroachment of science on our faith, especially as it is taught to our children, along with and under evolution.

    I must add that I had no idea that our seminaries even had philosophy departments or that they might be staffed with such erudite professors as Dr. Schulz. Congratulations!

    I hope you will continue to involve him on future programs. I must say that it is difficult to grasp this subject matter in “one take”! I find myself going back to each of the programs many times to fully understand

    I want to thank you both for such in-depth programming. Keep it up!

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