Professor Pless reviews “Has American Christianity Failed”


A few years ago, American church historian Mark Noll commented on how Lutherans occupied a rather awkward space in the religious landscape of our nation. Now a convert to confessional Lutheranism, Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller accounts for this blessed awkwardness. Lutheran theology is a theology of the cross; it puts to death the spiritual aspirations which have addicted many Americans. Instead Lutheran theology faithful to the Scriptures and the well-honed insights of Martin Luther offers something more than a vain and unfulfilled dream of autonomy. This theology offers the forgiveness of sins in the reconciling work of Christ. This theology centers not in the choice of the errant and erratic human will but of God’s sure and certain promise bestowed in preaching, Baptism, absolution, and the Lord’s Supper. This is a book for those weary of superficial piety and burnt out by the glitter of emotionalism. Justification by faith alone is anything but irrelevant in our works-oriented religious context. Wolfmueller is a genuine evangelist, promoting THE promise which alone delivers reconciliation with God.

Thanks, Pr. Pless!

More info on the book here.

Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
Bryan Wolfmueller, pastor of St Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX, author of "A Martyr's Faith for a Faithless World", "Has American Christianity Failed?", co-host of Table Talk Radio, teacher of Grappling with the Text, and theological adventure traveler.