Show #171: Lumpy 2 Methodists 0
After responding to email and another visit from Lumpy Chunckle Buns, we play “Name that Theologian” and Wolfmueller wiffs.
After responding to email and another visit from Lumpy Chunckle Buns, we play “Name that Theologian” and Wolfmueller wiffs.
Every page of the New Testament is indeed testimony of the Christ whose proper office it is “to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15), “to seek and save the lost” (Luke…
Do Methodists have the sacraments? Table Talk Radio has hired a private investigator to discover the answer and he reports during the first part of the show. Then, we answer…
Dear Saints, The Holy Spirit teaches us to love the Gospel, to treasure the Lord’s gift of forgiveness. This is why it is a joy for the Lord’s Christians to…
Going back to the days we used to play “google it” we also play 10 commandments in the news and also bumper stickers theology/church sign theology.
Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff. Unam Sanctam, 1302 That’s what the Pope…
Matthew 9:1-8 | ‘Forgiven’ | The 19th Sunday after Trinity Sunday | 9 October 2011 Your Biggest Problem What is the most troubling thing in your life right now, at this…
In the Large Catechism, Martin Luther expounds the Third Commandment (“Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy”) by extolling the treasure of the Lord’s Word. One of the way…
After responding to several emails from Pr. Charmley, we welcome Pastor Brian Kachelmeier back to play Bible Bee and to talk about the Holy Trinity and Worship.
It happens that sometimes in this life we find ourselves looking for a church. What, exactly, are we looking for? What do we base our search upon? To begin, let’s…
INJ Revelation 12:(1-6) 7-12 ‘No Room for the Devil’ Divine Service The Feast of St Michael and All Angels | 2 October 2011 Dear Saints, September 29th is set aside…
After responding to emails, Table Talk Radio plays “10 Commandments in the News” followed by the new game “Name that Article of the Creed,” and end up by playing “Facebook…
After buzz words, emails, bumper stickers and church signs, Table Talk Radio finds the third song to ever make it through the Praise Song Cruncher and the first to make…
The hosts of Table Talk Radio begin in a faceoff to decide the new sound of Table Talk Radio. Then after answering a couple emails, we play “Which Ladder” with…
After responding to anonymous emails, Evan and Bryan play “Church Sign/Bumper Sticker Theology” and “Name that Church Body.”
INJ Luke 18:9-14 ‘Justified, One Way or Another’ Divine Service The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity Sunday |4 September 2011 Dear Saints, There are in this world two religious postures, two…
Comforting consciences is normally the work of the Gospel. When the law shows our sin and accuses our conscience we rightly turn to the promise of the Gospel for comfort….
In this edition of Table Scraps, Dr. Fickenscher describes the hammer of judgement preaching of the law, answered by gift of forgiveness gospel and the mirror of existence law, answered…
It's time. The Iron Preacher co-host preach off: Pastor Wolfmueller vs. Pastor Evan Goeglein with Dr. Carl Fickenscher as judge.