Show #213: Simultaneously Lumpy & Wolfmueller
After responding to some emails, Lumpy comes on to show us the difference between Calvinists and Lutherans on simile est et peccator then Table Talk Radio runs the songs “Oceans…
After responding to some emails, Lumpy comes on to show us the difference between Calvinists and Lutherans on simile est et peccator then Table Talk Radio runs the songs “Oceans…
In Pastor Wolfmueller's absence, Vicar Matthew Jukola takes his seat to analyze some bumper stickers and church signs and also to play “Name that Church Body.”
Joined by Pastor Eric Lange, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Gresham, OR, Pastor Wolfmueller finds his next Iron Preacher challenger on the text of the persistent widow and the…
Playing which ladder, is Mark Driscoll's attack on baptism warranted when he calls the view of baptismal regeneration a belief in magic?
While Pastor Wolfmuller drives to church, Evan and Bryan play the games “Church Sign” and “Bumper Sticker” theology and “Myth Busters.” Then they introduce a new game, “Ask the Questions…
Here is the first installment of Bible Cards. The theme is comfort. Please use and share in any way you find helpful for the Gospel. Bible Cards: Comfort
Aurora, Colorado is still reeling from the recent shootings. I have been wondering what I and the people of Hope Lutheran can do to help, but the only thing I…
This article was originally published in 2005 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Recent events in the Aurora movie theater draw us again to the Lord’s Word for wisdom and…
After giving the “State Syncretism Religion Song Cruncher” a test spin, we play “Church Sign/Bumper Sticker” theology and finish up by playing “Name that Church Body,” all joined by vicar.
Joining us today is Pastor Wolfmueller's summer vicar who plays “Bible Bee” and “10 commandments in the News.”
After responding to a few emails, we crunch “Happy Day” by Tim Hughes and Twila Paris', “I Want the World to Know.”
Resolutions, Humfry and Missionalism.
After evaluating status updates from some social networking site (which shall remain nameless), Mark Pierson comes on board to play “The Predicable PhD Student.”
Today's edition of Table Talk Radio introduces the brand new game, “How Biga Missionalist Are Ya?”
What is the Nature of the Seeker Sensitive and the Purpose Driven Church? What ideologies back the movement? Is it compatible with historic Christianity? Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the…
In a debate, Sam Harris uses the question of theodicy as a proof that God doesn't exist. In doing so, does he find himself climbing a ladder? We also play…
In today's edition of Table Talk Radio allows time for two rounds of the predicable pastor and a round of Table Talk Jeopardy.
Everyone has a conscience, and this conscience tells us, “Things are not like they are supposed to be.” “Something’s wrong here!” That’s the voice of your conscience. It is a…
For this two-hundredth show, Table Talk Radio brings you some cheesy games as an excuse to talk about theology.
While Evan overcomes a cold, Table Talk Radio crunches “He is Here” by the Gaither Vocal Band and “Furious” by Jeremy Riddle, with a moment left over to play “10…