Show #129: Merry Christmas 2010
Table Talk Radio would like to wish a Merry Christmas to both of its listeners.
Sermon: The Good Confession of John the Baptist
Sermon audio is down over here (Hope Sermon Audio). INJ John 1:19-28 ‘The Good Confession of John’ Divine Service Rorate Colei, Advent 4 | December 19th, 2010 Dear Saints, Of…
This is a post
…for people with short attention spans.
A Picture of Law and Gospel
It’s from Lucas Cranach, and titled “Law and Grace,” and it’s beautiful. In fact, I printed about a dozen copies of this image on card stock, and I carry them…
Baptismal Certificates: Awesome
I’m kind of excited about this. A long time ago I started working on a baptismal certificate design that would help teach the fantastic gifts of baptism. A very good…
Prayer: Mystical or Militaristical?
I don’t think it’s a word, either… (Gary: Warning! This post is 123 words over your limit, and the last 45 words are the best ones!) As far as I’m…
Show #128: Bumper Stickers and Praise Songs
After responding to bumper stickers reported by our listeners, we Crunch Praise Songs “Starry Night” and “Shine.” “Real Men of Jesus” by SpringHill used by permission.
Sermon: Comfort for the Comforter
Sermon audio is over here (Hope Sermon Audio) INJ Matthew 11:2-10 ‘Comfort for the Comforter’ Morning Service Gaudete, the Third Sunday of Advent | December 12th, 2010 Dear Saints, Advent…
Lutheran Exceptionalism
A Few Thoughts on What is Unique About the Theology of the Lutheran Church Warning to Gary: this post is longer than 500 words. Please treat it like 5.25 posts…
Jesus doesn’t like death
The devil likes death. Jesus doesn’t. He doesn’t want you or anything else to die.If you want proof, consider these words, the shortest verse in the Bible. Jesus wept. (John…
Apparently a blog is supposed to have a name. Any ideas?
Sermon: The Second Coming, Good or Bad News?
INJ Luke 21:25-36 | ‘Coming in Glory’ | Advent 2 | December 5th, 2010 Dear Saints, Jesus is coming again in glory to judge the quick and the dead, and…
The Idolatry of Giving to God
God doesn’t need anything from us. He is not poor or hungry or cold. He is not in want. For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on…
Show #127: Don't Forget the Stanzas with Kantor Resch
After responding to a few of our listeners and playing Bible Bee, Kantor Richard Resch of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN as the expert guest as Pastor attempts…
Show #126: Introducing Random Theopedia Articles
After responding to listener email and playing 10 Commandments in the News/CACG, we play a brand new game called “Random Theopedia Article.”
Show 125: The Iron Preacher's re-match with Todd Wilken
Pastor Wolfmueller challenges Pastor Todd Wilken, host of Issues Etc., to a re-match in Iron Preacher, judged by Dr. Carl Fickenscher. After Iron Preacher, Dr. Fickenscher goes up against Pastor…
Show #124: Table Talk Radio Down Under
Joined by Rev. Stephen van der Hoek, pastor of a five point parish in Australia, we play Bible Bee and the Australian version of the Casual Apologetics Conversation Game.