I got a great note from Zak, who claims to be Australian! Thanks, mate!
Message: Pastor,
Today I was reflecting on the Church’s remembrance and celebration of the Circumcision and Naming of Jesus. I stumbled upon this prayer by Pastor Loehe (which today is the day we remember him since he joined the Church triumphant 1/2/1872) in his Seed-Grains of Prayers about our Lord shedding His blood for the first time. I read it and immediately thought of you:
“Gentle Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast circumcised on the eight-day, shedding the first drops of Thy blood for our sins, to redeem us from the grievous burden and awful curse of the law, we call upon Thee with our whole hearts, to circumcise our hearts, taking away the veil of our unbelief and choking out all sinful lust and desires of the flesh, that we may become new creatures, comforted in every time of need by Thy most Holy Name; and, as children of the new covenant, love one another until we shall all be finally gathered unto Thee, our Saviour. Amen.”
-Loehe, Prayer 269.
I continue to love your work and integrate much of what you produce into teaching college Sunday school. Thank you for all you do and I hope this message finds you well.
Yours in Christ,