The second annual Digital Catacombs conference will be June 15-17 at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Pagosa Springs, CO. This conference will be for anyone interested in how Christian families and congregations can prepare to withstand the assaults of the world and the devil who are both obsessed with silencing the saving truth. Guest speakers...
Catechism Retreat Each summer a band of pastors and students of the catechism gather at Lutheran Valley Retreat for the annual Catechism Retreat. The retreat includes daily study of God’s Word, Matins and Campfire Vespers, outdoor adventure, and play, lots of play (including the world’s greatest contest of strength, wit, and skill: Catechism Commando). 2022...
Featuring: William Barr Former U. S. Attorney General Dr. Albert Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Dr. Päivi Räsänen Finnish Parliamentarian Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller Author of Has American Christianity Failed? Rev. Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith Dr. Joel Biermann of Concordia Seminary CLICK HERE to Register Cancellations received on or before May 30 will be...