Show #322: Christmas Theologians
Merry Christmas! For today’s episode in celebration of our Lord’s birth we play “Name that Theologian” with Christmas quotes. Finally, we look at what’s going o...
Merry Christmas! For today’s episode in celebration of our Lord’s birth we play “Name that Theologian” with Christmas quotes. Finally, we look at what’s going o...
Toward the end of 2014, Bryan and Evan try to do a little cleaning up of the TTR inbox and spend the entire show listening to your voicemails and reading...
After Pastor Wolfmueller finishes his snack time, we crunch the songs “Always Been About You” by Fellowship Creative and “Beautiful Things” by Gungor. Lastly, T...
If we don’t listen to the latest pop songs, attempt to explain what they mean and talk about how to talk to someone who sings this, who would? We also...
Martin Chemnitz, Examination of the Council of Trent, I.1.2.2.
It’s a showdown. Bryan vs Brian. Both regular guests on some radio show called Issues Etc., but who will triumph when they go head-to-head in “Ask a Ninja Pasto...
While Pastor Wolfmueller develops his missional consulting firm, we listen to a new trendy to appeal from Lutheran Hour Ministries to reach our Youth.
After a quick round of “If you like it you better put the best construction on it, Pastors Wolfmueller and Goeglein critique clips from a new video “Let the Lio...
In search for a game, Pastors Wofmueller and Goeglein look at some survey questions sent out by the Northwest District of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Syn...
Pastor Warren Graff and I are putting together a tour of Israel (with an optional extension to Jordan) for this June, 2015. Download the Tour Brochure HERE (The...
Getting ready for the mid-term election, we play 10 commandments in the news with an ear for the upcoming election so that we may rightly understand our duty as...
After answering emails, Pastor Wolfmueller highlights an article about a woman who converts to Catholicism then to Islam. Then Pastor Goeglein finds a website t...
When you’re bored at home, just make up a game by putting “Name that” in front of something…or just listen to Table Talk Radio.
From the Rightly Divided: Daily Bible Meditation Blog.
After reading your emails, we play #theology, and then we play a slightly modified version of Translating American Evangelicalisms.