Show #243: Which Day in Holy Week
After playing “Which Day in Holy Week” Pastor Wolfmueller might actually score some points on “Don't Forget the Stanzas to Your Hymns....
After playing “Which Day in Holy Week” Pastor Wolfmueller might actually score some points on “Don't Forget the Stanzas to Your Hymns....
You may want to skip this episode of Table Talk Radio where Pastor Wolfmeuller promotes the Cult of Pure Doctrine, plays “Name that Game” and finish...
Jesus is risen to give us joy, overflowing and unending joy. Our Gospel text is from John 16, and we will hear readings from this chapter for the next...
The Biblical counter-part to Satan, the Accuser, is the Paraklete. Jesus is our Paraklete (Advocate) with the Father (1 John 2:1), where He stands interceding f...
We continue our rejoicing in the Lord’s resurrection by considering how Jesus is our Good Shepherd. This is fantastically Biblical. Micah 5 has the famous...
Vicar Matthew Jukola joins us once again for another broadcast of Table Talk Radio and he prepares for his real vicarage.
No one will ever write the last poem.
There is absolutely no way to imagine being a pastor without the rock-solid systematic theology I learned at seminary.
“The Word, the word, the word,” cries Luther and the Lutheran church to souls wrecked on works righteousness and mystical subjectivism and whatever else disconn...
I’m putting together a paper for the ACELC conference in Austin next week. Here are a couple more paragraphs: The New Testament brings this to us in anoth...
Mysticism, anyone? “words cannot tell it cause its better felt than told the change he made in my life when he reached down for my soul” http://www....
I like recording this show when I’m paying attention. Table Talk Radio
Augsburg confession IV: the what of justification. AC V: the how of justification. AC VII & VIII: the where of justification.
Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller shares his experience of coming out of Evangelicalism using the framework of Psalm 119 and also Law and Gospel. He speaks of the treasure ...
I just passed the motorcade. Who’s in Aurora this afternoon?
But one cannot deal with God or grasp him except through the Word. Therefore justification takes place through the Word, as Paul says (Rom. 1:16), “The Gospel i...
Thanks for this, Timothy Koch. Luther, on Titus 1:13: “Plato and Aristotle wrote well about political matters, Pliny described the works of nature. But do...
Sermon audio: The Three-Fold Suffering of Jesus
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Jesus is out. The tomb is empty. He’s loose. And He’s after you. Like a lion escaped from the zoo, and you...