Show #260: Vicar Doulos
With Pastor Wolfmueller upgrading to the vocation of Vicarage Supervisor, we meet Vicar Doulos, who goes against Pastor in Bible Bee where his vicarage hangs in...
With Pastor Wolfmueller upgrading to the vocation of Vicarage Supervisor, we meet Vicar Doulos, who goes against Pastor in Bible Bee where his vicarage hangs in...
It's shocking that not everyone loves and adourns the Praise Song Cruncher, but it's true. In today's episode of Table Talk Radio, Bryan and Evan...
Have you ever been haunted by Christian talk radio? Today Bryan and Evan develop a buzzer to help you discern Christian talk radio. That after considering your ...
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Emails, 10 Commandments in the News, Bible Bee…Awesome.
After listening in to LCMS convention, Bryan and Evan play “Church Sign Theology” and “Bumper Sticker Theology” and finally play “...
Disappointing those who thought Table Talk Radio was gone forever, Table Talk Radio returns to crunch some Praise Songs and then to play “Name that Church...
While avoiding being struck by lightning, Bryan tries to church “Morning Has Broken” by Cat Stevens and “Your Love” by Casting Crowns. F...
Besides answering all of your wonderful emails, Bryan and Evan go head-to-head in a game of Bible Bee. All that and Pastor Wolfmueller gets on his soap box agai...
Pastor Wolfmueller invents a brand new narcissistic game, as if we didn't already have a bunch of those. I would just skip this show if I were you.
Today in Table Talk Radio, Bryan and Evan consider your church signs and bumper stickers and in playing 10 commandments in the news, discuss the implications of...
Looking for opportunities to listen to Beyonce, Pastor Wolfmueller invents the new game “If you like it you better put the best construction on it.”...
Following the Boston bombing, many took the occasion to make an argument against religion. But are all religions the same? Listen as Bryan plays “Name tha...
For the entire episode, nothing but crunching the best and worst of today's Praise Songs. Listener beware.
To avoid as much show prep as possible, in today's edition of Table Talk Radio Bryan and Evan play 10 Commandments in the News, Bumper Sticker Theology and...
Coincidentally, Bryan and Evan both pick Table Talk Jeopardy categories that relate to the Book of Concord. As usual, the assume no one is really listening.
God’s Word is Awesome: Talk at the Brother’s of John the Steadfast Conference, 2013
Sermon Audio Jesus, in this text from John 16, has been teaching the disciples that He is leaving, but it is today that we begin to consider where He is...