Show #352: Is Jesus holding you?
After some buzzwords it is time once again to crunch on some praise songs. On this episode we run “Hold Me” by Toby Mack through the Praise Song Cruncher and...
After some buzzwords it is time once again to crunch on some praise songs. On this episode we run “Hold Me” by Toby Mack through the Praise Song Cruncher and...
Test your Theologian naming skills along with Pastors Goeglein and Wolfmueller on this episode of Table Talk Radio. Then we will see if the praise song “This is...
After we fire off a few buzzwords we attempt to put the best construction on listener email. Then we get busy Preaching to Hollywood, or do we? We will also...
What do you do after getting back from your honeymoon? You get right back to mediocre radio, what else! After we get a quick honeymoon report we spend the rest....
Is your District President Missional, Missionarific or Hyper-Missionified? On this episode of Table Talk Radio we ask the question, just “How Biga Missionalist ...
On this episode of Table Talk Radio, after a couple of theological buzzwords and some an email from Gideon, you know, that Bible guy, we play two new games! “Wh...
Pastor Wolfmueller returns from Israel with his best radio voice. On this episode of Table Talk Radio we Preach to Hollywood as we Imagine Dinosaurs or rather D...
In today’s edition, after critiquing your favorite praise songs, we take a look at various arguments and then try to see if they commit any logical fallacies.
We have successfully outsourced show prep to a wheel of misfortune which selects the games “Islam or Mormonism,” “Page for points” and “Name that Event in the L...
Preparing for Pastor Wolfmueller’s trip to Israel, Table Talk Radio’s hosts go insane recording a gaggle of TTR episodes. First up we play “Book of Concord Bee”...
In today's edition of Table Talk Radio we play a little #theology and Preaching to Hollywood with the song “Hard to Be” by David Bazan, then fi...
Pastor Kachelmeier comes back to challenge once more Table Talk Radio's Iron Preacher. Judged by Dr. Carl Fickenscher of Concordia Theological Seminary, wi...
Lumpy's back on the job researching the question “Is there such a thing as a radical Muslim?” Also, we attempt to translate a few Evangelicalis...
In this edition of Table Talk Radio, a game of Table Talk Jeopardy examines the mentions of “ghosts” in the Bible. Then, in playing the game “...
Trying to catch up, we spend the entire show working through listener email. If you have a question for us, email or call 1-800-385...
In today's edition we examine Tove Lo's song entitled Habits (Stay High) and discuss why people need to stay high to avoid a righteous God. Also, what...
What's the difference between Sanctification and Disciplineship? Could it be that praise songs are getting better or do churches feel obliged to sing about...
For our first week broadcasting in Rogue River, we go back to the basics to play Law and/or Gospel mixed with Bible Bee. This episode of Table Talk Radio is...
Description: Inspired by a listener email, this episode focuses on end times theology and the end of days. How long is the reign of Christ? Where and when is th...
In playing Bible Bee/Table Talk Jeopardy in the categories of the Passion of Jesus and the Lament Psalms, see how the hosts of Table Talk Radio fair.