On Race and Races: A Debate
A few months back Linneaus reached out to me on Twitter, asking if we could have a formal debate on the topic of Race. I agreed, and our opening arguments...
A few months back Linneaus reached out to me on Twitter, asking if we could have a formal debate on the topic of Race. I agreed, and our opening arguments...
In the Worldwide Bible Class we’ve been studying the life of Jacob with Martin Luther’s Genesis Lectures. A few months back it occurred to me, “This is really a...
Martin Luther’s understanding of the history of the world as the persecution of the Gospel Here are a few pages from Luther’s 1535 Preface to the 15...
There are some who would say that the authority to forgive sins belongs to the office of the ministry. That is, only pastors can forgive sins. I’d like to...
This was a fun conversation. Enjoy!
In the Worldwide Bible Class this morning we covered a remarkable portion of Luther’s Genesis commentary. Here’s the context. Jacob is returning to ...
This was a fun conversation. Thanks to Jacque and Megan for having me on the show. Here’s part two about the Lord’s Supper:
(LW 24, 193-201) I am the true Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser.Every branch of Mine that bears no fruit He takes away,and every branch that does bear fru...
Here are a few fantastic quotations about the Resurrection from Wordsworth Gospel commentary (download the PDF for free here). Wordsworth Gospels Mt 28:2 (1:91)...
SECOND SERMON FOR THE DAY OF THE LORD’S SUPPER. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of t...
FIRST SERMON FOR THE DAY OF THE LORD’S SUPPER. THE HOLY SACRAMENT. For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jes...
I had the privilege of teaching at the Luther Study Days in Herning, Denmark in March 2024. The topics are Original Righteousness, , and The Christ is Our Right...
The resources mentioned are here: www.wolfmueller.co/lifetotheend
The churches in Denmark have the tradition of praying these prayers before and after the Sunday service. ENTRANCE PRAYER O Lord,God the Father, my Maker,Lord Je...
AARON. HOLINESS on the head, Light and perfection on the breast, Harmonious bells below raising the dead To lead them unto life and rest. Thus are true Aarons d...
I’m working on a project about the promises of God in the Scriptures. Here are a few passages from Martin Luther on the topic that I think you will enjoy....
I wrote the following about New Year’s Resolutions and Time and Repentance last year (2022). Reposting here for your consideration and edification. 1/ Res...
Here is the prayer for the Nativity from The Lutheran Liturgy, a book that accompanies The Lutheran Hymnal. I really like to use these prayers on the festive oc...
Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; Co...
“You can’t hit happiness by aiming for it.” I’ve been reflecting on this little truism for a few months now, and I think it unlocks a bunch of Biblical truths.....