All the Hard Questions: Parts of Repentance, How We’re Forgiven, and Understanding Revelation — 2019/03/04

Cross Defense: we’re firing up your theological imagination with the comfort of the Gospel and the wisdom of God’s Law.

In today’s episode, Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller answers questions on curious topics from his listeners. Send him your questions at or on his Facebook page. Here are today’s questions for discussion:

1. What is the difference between how the Reformed and Lutherans view repentance? Clarify the statement “Repentance is being found by Jesus”? What are the two parts of repentance?

2. From a lifelong Pentecostal who is now a Lutheran in Training about the Sacrament of the Altar: What is the history of the Passover and how are those customs replaced both by what Jesus did on cross and in the Sacrament of the Altar?

3. What is our understanding of Confession and Absolution and how do we receive forgiveness?

4. Did the prophets know about what they were prophesying?

5. How do you respond when someone says,”Communion every other week makes it more special”?

6. Help me understanding book of Revelation. Evangelicals read it as an unfolding of last days, but how do Lutheran understand it?

7. How do we rightly understand Christian worship? A worldly understanding is that we give homage to the one being worshiped. Seems the Christian understanding is that Christ gives us His gifts even though He is the one being worshiped.

Find the Verse of the Week devotions Pastor Wolfmueller mentions at

Host Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller, Senior Pastor at Hope Lutheran Church in Aurora, Colorado, and author of the book Has American Christianity Failed?, talks about curious topics to excite the imagination, equip the mind, and comfort the soul with God’s ordering of the world in the Law and Gospel. Tweet your questions to @bwolfmueller or send questions at

from Cross Defense from KFUO Radio

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Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
Bryan Wolfmueller, pastor of St Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX, author of "A Martyr's Faith for a Faithless World", "Has American Christianity Failed?", co-host of Table Talk Radio, teacher of Grappling with the Text, and theological adventure traveler.