A Picture of Law and Gospel

It’s from Lucas Cranach, and titled “Law and Grace,” and it’s beautiful. In fact, I printed about a dozen copies of this image on card stock, and I carry them around in my notebook in case I need to explain the distinction of law and Gospel to a stranger.

So, here’s a game for the children (perhaps a little older children), print off this picture and have them identify the elements in the picture. Here’s a picture with a key. The answers are below.

1. Adam and Eve, eating the forbidden fruit. Notice the snake wrapped around the tree.
2. Death and the devil, driving men to hell with the fear of death and the condemnation of the law.
3. That guy is you, goosed into hell because of your sin.
4. Here is Christ coming in judgment. Notice the flower (the Gospel) coming out of His mouth for those on His right, while the sword (the law) coming from His mouth for those on His left.
5. Moses, the lawgiver, holding the Ten Commandments. The Commandments are the verdict of our guilt and condemnation.
6. Hell, the desperate destruction of those who die apart from the blood of Jesus.
7. That’s you again, looking much happier on the Gospel side of the woodcut.
8. John the Baptist is preaching to you, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,” (John 1:29), and point to Jesus, dying on the cross for you.
9. Here’s a picture of Moses again, this time with the tabernacle. There’s a cross out front with the bronze serpent out front to which the people look and are saved (see John 3:14-15; Numbers 21:7-9). I think there is manna scattered on the ground.
10. Here’s the angel preaching to the shepherds and announcing the birth of our Lord Jesus.
11. Baby Jesus, descending from heaven to the womb of Mary. Jesus is bringing His cross with Him!
12. Mary, blessed by the Lord, pregnant with Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
13. Jesus on the cross, satisfying the wrath of God for all sinners. The Lamb in front indicates that this is a sacrifice, in fact, the atoning sacrifice. The Lord’s cloth is being blowing by the wind, indicating that the Holy Spirit brings the preaching of Christ to us.
14. Jesus, risen from the dead, preaching peace to you, and stomping death and the devil under His feet (Hebrews 2:14; Psalm 110:1, etc.)
15. The spear with which the devil was driving us to hell has been stripped away, and used against them.
16. The Holy Spirit brings the atoning blood of Jesus to you, in the preaching of the Gospel, in Baptism and in the Lord’s Supper. Here, in the Gospel, we have life and salvation.

How did you do?

How wonderful that we are those covered by the blood of Jesus, friends of God, and by the death of Jesus destined for the blessedness of the resurrection.



    1. That’s incredible. I had never seen this painting before. I like how the devil’s eyes are bugging out as he’s being crushed under the feet of Jesus.

    1. That’s incredible. I had never seen this painting before. I like how the devil’s eyes are bugging out as he’s being crushed under the feet of Jesus.

  1. Pastor: I used your numbered repro of Cranach in Bible class this morning and it was well-received. Thanks! Also: may I post this on our mission blog with appropriate link and acknowledgment?

    Peace in His Name,

    1. Mark,
      You can use whatever I write in any way that you find helpful to the Gospel. Acknowledgment is unnecessary, unless you find that, too, to be helpful to the Gospel. I’m glad it was helpful.
      Lord’s Blessings,

  2. Pastor: I used your numbered repro of Cranach in Bible class this morning and it was well-received. Thanks! Also: may I post this on our mission blog with appropriate link and acknowledgment?

    Peace in His Name,

    1. Mark,
      You can use whatever I write in any way that you find helpful to the Gospel. Acknowledgment is unnecessary, unless you find that, too, to be helpful to the Gospel. I’m glad it was helpful.
      Lord’s Blessings,

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